Are the disinfects approved by the EPA and CDC?

Yes, all the disinfectants are approved by the EPA and CDC.

Are the disinfectants pet safe?

Yes all of our disinfectants are pet safe.

Are the disinfectants food safe?

The products that we use are food surface safe?

How often should you do Electrostatic Fogging?

Is electrostatic fogging the same as a spray mist?

How long does the virus linger in the air

Certain studies show viruses like (COVID-19) lingers in the air for approximately six minutes.

How long does the virus linger on a surface?

Certain studies show it can linger on surfaces approximately three days depending on what kind of surface.

What can we do to minimize the spread of the coronavirus?

Per the government social distancing, along with wearing masks, not touching your face and washing hands thoroughly.

How do we know if a certain area is contaminated with the COVID 19 virus?

If someone you know has been in close contact with you at your work or home and comes down with the virus, most likely the area has been contaminated. We suggest to air on the side of caution. A person can be a carrier of the virus without knowing. Again we suggest to air on the side of caution.